Friday, January 27, 2017

Have You Ever Used Oregano Essential Oil?

A few weeks ago my whole house came down with the flu and my friend Katie suggested that I try using Oregano Oil. It wasn't until I purchased a bottle that I realized how many uses it has. My mother in law is big into essential oils and sends us inhalers all the time.

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I bought my bottle from UpNature because I have ran across this brand on the internet before. I found quite a bit of information about the uses of Oregano oil and wanted to share them with you. Instead of writing up a big blog post I decided to film a quick video. 

My video is only 3 1/2 minutes long and covers all of the benefits regarding using Oregano Oil. I you would like to check out the website I found my information Click HERE. Please adhere to recommended dilution safety guidelines or otherwise use as instructed by aromatherapist.*

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Angela Zimsky

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*According to the book Essential Oil Safety by Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young, oregano essential oil can inhibit blood clotting and should not be used by people having major surgery, peptic ulcer, hemophilia, or other bleeding disorders. Because it is embryotoxic, it should not be used by women who are pregnant or nursing. It can cause skin irritation or moderate mucous membrane irritation if not diluted properly. It should not be used on hypersensitive, diseased, or damaged skin, or on children under two years of age. For use on the skin, it should be diluted to 1.1 % or less in a carrier oil. It should not be ingested by anyone without the advice of a certified aromatherapist.

Monday, January 23, 2017

1st Time Using a Cleansing Brush

Its hard to believe that after having acne for 15 years that I have never used a cleansing brush. I've heard other beauty bloggers stating how wonderful they can be for your skin. So, I finally decided to give one a try and boy was it difficult choosing which one to buy. There are a number of different ones on the market but I finally ended up going with the "Perfect Curve Ultrasonic Facial Cleansing Brush"

Buy HERE #PerfectCurveCleansingBrush

The features that persuaded me to purchase this one over the others is because its rechargeable and the fact that it has 14 different massage modes. I didn't want to buy a product that had a limited life span meaning you could only use it a certain number of times before you had to replace it. I was very excited to receive this in the mail and even more excited to use it for the first time.

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I've noticed that my pores are significantly less noticeable. I'm not sure that it is a claim that this tool with reduce the size of your pores. Since I started taking Accutane it has been a concern that my pores were larger than before. I would love to see an overall improvement of texture with continues use. Want to see me use this for the first time, check out my YouTube video.

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Angela Zimsky

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Saturday, January 21, 2017

What's All The Hype About?

For a person who has a ton of acne scars I can tell you first hand that I spend a lot of time trying to conceal them. When I heard about the new "Silicone Sponge" that hit the market I was very intrigued. One of the biggest claims is that it provides better coverage.

A photo posted by Angela Zimsky (@zimskygirls) on

 I was very excited to try this product out because I had also heard that you use less foundation. I ordered my sponge on Amazon. It was inexpensive with good reviews. I also purchased one the giveaway that I am doing. ENTER HERE

I felt the best way to test the product out would be to film a video on my YouTube channel. I applied foundation to one side of my face using the silicone sponge and the Real Techniques sponge on the other. Which sponge do you think did a better job concealing my acne scars?

Another product that I wanted to make quick mention of was the new #VitaCWhip that I used in the video. I am a firm believer in having something like this as part of your skin care routine. I suffer from a lot of redness down both sides of my cheeks so I have a number of different products that I use to help with scarring. What is your favorite skincare product?


I am always taking recommendations for new skincare products to try or tools that might be worth testing. I appreciate your taking the time to stop by my blog and read about my experiences. I hope that you have a wonderful day. 

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Angela Zimsky

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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

6 Months Down & Only 2 To Go

I can honestly say that I am glad my Accutane journey is almost over. I have been on the medication for 6 months. Technically I could have been finished by now but my dermatologist suggested staying on it for a couple more months. So here I am, with clear skin for the first time in 15 years. I have zero active blemishes on my face.

While that may be true I am still suffering from a number of side effects cause by the medication. Currently I am dealing with chapped skin all around my mouth. Not to mention that the winter weather isn't helping.

I've been applying Honest Company Healing Balm religiously with no relief. I feel like I am on top of taking care of my skin. I make sure that I am always moisturizing so that my skin is never dry. Thankfully a full face of makeup distracts from he patches of dry skin.

Besides my skin being very dry I have also been dealing with dry hair. I've been using a number of differently leave in products that I am very happy with. However I thought that it might be best to my hair care routine.

Have you ever used a fragrance free shampoo or conditioner? I tend to be sensitive to scents so I find that this product doesn't aggravate me. I've used this a few times since receiving it and quite like the way it leaves my hair feeling. If you are interested in purchasing it from the website I went to:

Are there any hair products that you would recommend for dry hair that is prone to breakage?

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Angela Zimsky

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Sunday, January 1, 2017

Would You Help A Stranger?

Recently my husband I were headed to visit family for the holidays. We stopped at a gas station to top off and grab some refreshments. While walking out of the convenience store I was approached by a homeless man. I had paid for my items using cash so I was just putting it in my pocket. The man asked if I could spare a dollar.

In that brief moment of time it made me think about a number of different things. Yes I could spare the dollar to help out a fellow human being who was standing out in freezing whether conditions. Which led to the train of though regarding my GoFundMe. Would you help a stranger raise money for a cause that was very important to them? 

My campaign description goes on to explain that I have been struggling with acne for 15 years and suffer the consequences of all the left behind scarring. While being on Accutane has dramatically reduced the redness of my scarring I still live with the large amount of uneven skin texture. 

You can imagine the insecurities that I have lived with and all of the negative things that have been said about me. I'm finally to a point in my life where I can leave the house with only a light coverage foundation.

Can you spare $5 to help a women feel more comfortable in her skin?

Click to Donate Now!


Angela Zimsky

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